As a part of the plethora of my mother’s recipes that I started just the other day, here is another leaf from the same book.

Process of making curd or dahi or yogurt at home

Homemade yogurt is so simple to make that you’ll wonder why you haven’t made it before. Try this recipe and you will agree that homemade yogurt has a delicious flavor that is very different from store bought ones.

Homemade Yogurt


Whole Milk – 4 cups
Yogurt/Dahi – 1 heaping Tbsp


1: Bring the milk to boil.
2: Let the milk come to a boil, simmer for a minute or two then remove from fire.
3: Cool the milk at room temperature till it is just warm.
4: Add a teaspoon of curd (yogurt) to the milk and mix well ~~ your curd is all ready to set.
5. Cover and keep at room temperature for 4-5 hours or till the curd is set. You can keep it overnight also.
5: Homemade curd is ready to serve.

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